A downloadable game

Game Design Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RMDvMQK7DIjBbVa5lCc97m4TjyTvmUuap6WRYdrxEsQ/edit?usp=drive_link

A document of the game I would have made for the game jam if not for a major conflict in scheduling determined after having joined the Pirate Software Game Jam.

This game would have been a 3D platformer using a suit of armor charged with the power of a philosophers stone to charge through levels at high speeds allowing the user to find the best routes using the properties of different levels.

This game will be revisited in the coming weeks to truly give it a chance to live, and I will probably add a timer as a method of seeing if I could have done this project if not for the conflicts.

Current revisit start date: 08/10/24


Philosopher's Soul Prototype Document (1) (1).docx 718 kB

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